September 2012: Treatment of Irreducible Femoral Head Fracture-Dislocation
This month's trauma case of the month was submitted by M.L. Chip Routt, Jr.,M.D. and features the case of a 55 years old male police officer was injured in a
motorcycle crash. At the accident scene, he complained of severe right hip pain.
He presented to the emergency room with similar complaints. His vitals signs
were stable. On physical exam, his pelvic ring was stable but he was unable to
actively move his right lower extremity due to hip discomfort. There were no
obvious deformities. The injured hip was very slightly flexed and abducted, and
in neutral rotation. The remainder of his exam was normal including his
peripheral neurological assessment. The paramedics had applied a
circumferential pelvic binder at the accident scene.
A screening pelvic anteroposterior radiograph identified a
right hip fracture-dislocation. The binder was removed and the patient then
underwent a pelvic computed tomography with reconstructed oblique images. A displaced and comminuted femoral head
fracture-dislocation along with a peripheral posterior wall acetabular fracture
were noted on the imaging. The pelvic ring and the femoral necks were uninjured.
The screening AP film was obtained with the binder in place.
The obturator and iliac oblique reconstructed images from the
CT scan demonstrate the close apposition of the dislocated proximal femur to
the cortical surface of the acetabular posterior wall.
The outlet pelvic reconstructed image is very interesting
since the dislocated proximal femur and acetabulum are nearly perfectly superimposed.
The diagnosis could be missed if this particular image was used alone.
The inlet pelvic image also shows the dislocation and tight
relationship of the dislocated proximal femur and the posterior acetabulum
cortical surface, alerting the treating physician to the possibility of an
irreducible injury using standard closed manipulative techniques.
The axial CT image indicates the injury details including but
not limited to dislocation direction, femoral head fracture extent and
comminution, acetabular posterior wall injury, loose fragments within the
joint, the overall bone quality, patient body habitus, underlying conditions
such as inguinal hernia, pelvic ring and soft tissue assessment, and status of
the femoral neck.
Despite the radiographic indicators of a femoral head
fracture dislocation that would likely be irreducible using standard closed
manipulation techniques, the patient was counseled and opted for an attempted
closed reduction. He was sedated with sufficient intravenous medications only
after consenting to closed and potential urgent open reduction as needed. The
attempted manipulative closed reduction was unsuccessful and the hip
essentially had no movement. The attending orthopedic surgeon on call had
performed the manipulative closed reduction but failed to move the hip. He
noted that the injured hip felt “fixed and stable”. He concluded that despite
more than adequate sedation, the hip injury was irreducible using closed
reduction methods.
The patient was then taken urgently to the operating room
where general anesthesia with full muscle relaxation was provided to the
patient, and he was positioned supine on a radiolucent operating table. Using
real time fluoroscopic guidance, the hip was imaged during a careful manipulative
attempted reduction, but the dislocated proximal femur was essentially fixed in
its position.
An open reduction was then performed. The patient was
elevated from the table on two folded blankets placed posterior to the sacrum.
The entire abdomen and right lower extremity were prepped and draped carefully
after the perineum had been cleansed and isolated form the planned surgical
field. Intravenous antibiotics were administered and a modified Smith-Petersen
anterior surgical exposure of the hip was accomplished.
The 10cms incision began in the region of the anterior
superior iliac spine and paralleled the interval between the tensor and
sartorius muscles.
The rectus femoris muscle common tendon was isolated.
Next the rectus femoris common tendon was incised leaving a
stump for later repair. The rectus femoris tendon was tagged with a suture
distally and the muscle belly was retracted distally.
The anterior hip capsule was easily exposed completely by
elevating the lateral portion of the
iliocapsularis muscle from it. The anterior capsule was completely intact. An
oblique T-shaped capsulotomy was then used to expose the hip joint. The upper
limb paralleled the uninjured anterior labrum and the lower limb paralleled the
normal position of the femoral neck.
Retraction of the T-shaped capsulotomy revealed the injury,
related hematoma, femoral head fracture fragments, otherwise empty acetabulum, and
the posteriorly dislocated proximal femur. The femoral head fracture fragments
were removed from the acetabulum and placed in a blood-saline soaked sponge in
a protected area of the surgical assistant’s instrument table. The acetabulum
was then thoroughly inspected visually including palpation of the anterior wall
area to assure that there were no remaining bone cartilage, or other tissue
fragments in the joint. Then looking
through the acetabulum, the posterior wall fracture and posterior labral
injuries were easily seen. Very taut tendon structures were identified between
the posterior wall area and the dislocated proximal femur. These tissues were
located anterior to the femoral neck and were visualized through the wound.
They were obstructing manual manipulation attempts. When traction was applied
to the limb, these tendons became extremely tight and prevented all but minimal
movement of the proximal femur. The sciatic nerve was noted on deeper
inspection of the wound to be medial and posterior relative to the dislocated
proximal femur. The tight tendons directly anterior to the femoral neck were
then incised and the dislocated proximal femur became mobile immediately. Tight
capsular tissues were then incised along the cranial aspect of the dislocated
femoral head fracture surface and under direct visualization through the wound,
the dislocated proximal femur was carefully and easily reduced into the acetabulum
using manual traction on the lower limb. C-arm orthoganol fluoroscopy was used
at this point to assure a congruent relationship between the reduced proximal
femur and the acetabulum.
The femoral head fracture fragment was then prepared for
reduction and fixation on the surgical assistant’s table. The cancellous
surface hematoma and loose debris were removed. Three glide holes were then
drilled through the femoral head fracture fragment perpendicular to the
fracture plane. These were positioned caudally on the femoral head fracture
fragment and with sufficient separation between the glide holes to allow stable
fixation. The depth of the cartilage was identified to plan for countersinking
of the screw heads.
The proximal femur was then atraumatically manipulated and
surgically dislocated anteriorly through the oblique T-shaped capsulotomy so
the femoral head fracture fragment could be reduced under direct visualization
onto the proximal femur. Narrow diameter wires inserted through the area of the
fovea centralis held the reduction initially, the pathways drilled, and then
small fragment screws were inserted using the glide holes. Chondral surface
comminution and missing cartilage of the cranial femoral head area made that
aspect of the reduction challenging, but the caudal cortical fracture surfaces
were used to guide the reduction. The temporary wires were removed and the hip
was carefully relocated.
Intraoperative fluoroscopy confirmed the reduction accuracy
and screw locations. Dynamic real time C-arm images showed that the screws were
completely contained within the bone and did not extrude. The hip joint was
stressed to extremes of passive motion (including full flexion, adduction,
internal rotation) while observing the fluoroscopic imaging to assure
stability. The peripheral posterior wall and capsular avulsion injuries were
treated without surgical stabilization. After throrough irrigation of the wound
and hip joint, the T-shaped capsulotomy and the rectus femoris tenotomy were
The wound was closed routinely in layers over two suction
Plain pelvic radiographs and a CT scan demonstrated the
reduction and screw locations.

After surgery, intravenous antibiotics were administered for
24 hours, and venous thrombosis prophylaxis provided. He began his
rehabilitation on the first day after surgery with unrestricted passive range
of hip motion, isometric exercises, and protected weight bearing on the injured
side. Oral indomethacin was prescribed for 6 weeks after surgery to avoid
symptomatic ectopic bone formation. During the second six weeks postoperative
phase, he advanced to progressive resistance exercises and weight bearing. At
his three months postoperative clinic visit, he was full weight bearing, reported
a slight limp due to residual weakness “ at the end of the day”, denied hip pain,
and had 15 degrees of decreased hip internal rotation compared to the
contralateral normal hip. His pelvic radiographs demonstrated a symmetrical and
normal hip joint space, no implant changes, no signs nor symptoms of aseptic necrosis, and no evidence of ectopic bone formation.
Femoral head fracture dislocations usually are associated
with posterior directional dislocations and antero-medial femoral head fracture
locations. The peripheral posterior wall and capsule and labrum are also
commonly avulsed in these injuries. For the common injury patterns, the femur
is flexed, adducted, and internally rotated on the injury anteroposterior
pelvic film. Prior to any closed reduction attempts, the treating physician
must first assure that adequate pharmacological relaxation is achieved and the
femoral neck is intact.
While uncommon, irreducible femoral head fracture dislocations
have a characteristic radiographic appearance in that the femur is only
slightly flexed, is in neutral rotation, and is without adduction or abduction.
The dislocated femoral head is tightly positioned against the cortical surface
of the posterior acetabular wall. Soft tissue structures are displaced and
cause the dislocated proximal femur to be relatively immobile. The piriformis
tendon, obturator internus tendon, labrum, and hip capsular and labral tissues
have all been identified intraoperatively as obstructing both closed and open
reduction. These obstructing tissues are located anterior to the proximal femur
and therefore best seen using an anterior surgical exposure. The anterior
exposure also allows improved access to the antero-medial femoral head fracture
fragment and proximal femur for accurate reduction and stable fixation. The
oblique T-shaped capsulotomy spares the anterior labrum and does not compromise
femoral head blood supply. The rectus femoris tenotomy allows the repaired
femoral head to be easily reduced back into the acetabulum after the anterior
surgical dislocation. Once repaired and reduced, the hip joint must be examined
in the operating room using fluoroscopy to assure stability. If the hip joint
is still unstable with passive flexion and internal rotation after accurate
reduction and stabilization of the femoral head fracture, the posterior
capsular-labrum-wall warrant repair. Oral indomethacin seems to decrease the
incidence and severity of hip region ectopic bone formation after open
reduction and internal fixation of femoral head fracture dislocations via the
anterior surgical exposure.
Symptomatic ectopic bone formation resulted in this different
patient who was unable to take indomethacin after surgery. Because the hip cartilage relies on motion
for its preservation, early ectopic bone excision is indicated in these
Authored By: M.L. Chip Routt, Jr.,M.D
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